Our Vision

Kitty Kat Haven strives to provide our community with the educational tools that will allow them to be better, more aware, and more responsible cat guardians. We convey to the community that cats enrich our lives, need attention, stimulation, socialization, and steady human relationships. As well as, encourage people to consider adoption, and fostering, which help to keep more cats alive and out of shelters.

Our Goals

To provide a safe and protected environment for special needs cats and those requiring additional attention.

To match our “extra” special kitties with incredible foster families who are wanting to open their homes and hearts to our geriatric and terminal cats. Families who are eager to love, spoil, and cherish them for as long as they may have left.

To give second chances to local, adoption–challenged adult cats and to take the time to find them the right forever homes.

To provide temporary and permanent places for refugees through our network of foster homes, adoption partners, and cat sanctuary. Where homeless cats can be medically treated, emotionally healed, and behaviorally observed to be given a second chance at finding their forever homes.

“It all started as a promise I made to a very special cat before she crossed over the rainbow. Sunset was a feral kitten I found in a Washington State shelter. She helped me see that great things come to those willing to put in the work. After spending many months together, I finally gained her trust, but after that, it was Sunset who got me through some tough times. When she suddenly passed away, I promised to honor her in the best way I could – giving second chances to “special” cats. Thanks to her unconditional love, I had the vision and drive to start Kitty Kat Haven”

– Valarie Filer, Founder.

Our Story


The Golden Rule

Do unto others as you would do unto you.


Committed to the observance of moral principles.


Compassion and respect for all living creatures.


Do what we say we do.


Lead by example


We are open and honest in our relationships with others.

For more information on our organization and programs check out our FAQ & Resource page

We are 100% volunteer run. check out out How you can help or our Get Involved pagesto get ideas for how you can help us.


Read Valarie's founder story in Woman's World 2014

Valarie Filer, the oldest of 4 siblings, was born in Southern California. She moved to Washington and graduated from The Evergreen State College in 2007 with a BAS in Wildlife Ecology. During this time in her life, she adopted Sunset, a female tortoise feline. After being away from her family and moving frequently, Valarie was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. If it weren’t for her two animal companions Sunset and Denali (a Husky), living her diagnoses would have been unbearable. These two amazing and loving pets got her through the most troubling years in her life, from being a young adult to an adult. As the animal lover that she has always been, and always rescuing kittens like Sunset. It seemed like a natural choice to go into rescue work and help the type of kitties who often get overlooked. Kitty Kat Haven was born from Valarie’s vision to help build and create a permanent sanctuary for local adult cats that need extra time and attention.

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